Why Would Anyone Want to Run Across the USA?
My first race as an adult was the OC Half Marathon back in 2006. I was running it with my oldest daughter, Lauren. We had trained together all summer, even running a 12 miler so that we would be ready for the “real thing”. During the event at mile marker 11, there was a split in the course: If you were running the half marathon (13.1 miles), the sign indicated to turn left. If you are running the full marathon (26.2 miles), the sign indicated to turn right. I did the math. Let’s see… carry the two… right! I blurted out “Lauren, if we were running the full marathon, we would still have 15.2 miles to go!” Both Lauren and I laughed out loud and then, at the same time, said: “That’s INSANE!” It challenge might as well have been to run across the USA. We were both in so much pain, even walking another 15 miles seemed impossible!
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